Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Day 43, Back and Forth...

Yesterday I beat the alarm by over an hour. Today I hit the snooze four times. Back and forth, up and down. (More Chantix dreams but nothing memorable.) Oh well, at least I am thirty three days smoke free and $248 richer. Now if only I could muster the will to get to the gym...


Anonymous said...

Little by little is the kind of progress I like, and as long as I'm still not smoking, it's a good day, whether I accomplish everything else on my list or not. One of these days I'm going to the gym, but not sure which day. I used to say the same about smoking, and then, poof!, one day I really did quit ;)

And so it goes... said...

Wow! I started a blog a week ago called "My Zyban Experience"...! Too funny. I guess it's more common than I thought to blog about these experiences! I am going to link to you.

Chris said...

Well Maggie, you're just tough as nails. I don't want a cigarette right now but I would give a kings ransom for some sleep!

Chris said...

Good luck And So... I'll add you too and check out Maggie's links, she has an extensive collection. All people in various states of their respective quit.