Saturday, October 6, 2007

Day 36, Steady As She Goes

The cocktail party was canceled due to a death in the hostess family so I dropped by the local watering hole and had a few with the regulars after work. A quick bite to eat and a little television and I was in bed early and slept well. This morning I am knee deep into the chores and about to have a little breakfast. Looking forward to getting the apartment spruced up and ahead of the game for the work week.

Thanks to Chantix I am thirty six days smoke free and $270.00 richer.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a productive smoke-free day ahead. Cool. Doing about the same here.

MsTekLady said...

Hey, Chris! Glad to hear you got some good sleep! I can handle a lot of different things & situations, but lack of sleep is NOT one! Luckily for me, there's only been a night or two that I had trouble going to and/or staying asleep.

Hang in there and have a great weekend!