Thursday, September 13, 2007

Day 23, Ho Hum...

Almost two weeks smoke free and I am noticing a change in perspective or attitude. The "I'm going to tackle this thing and win!" is giving way to "whatever." Last night while watching the television I realized how many nights over the years I did the very same thing only with the company of a smoke. And I kind of missed that. No, there was no craving. I was just reminiscing. And no, I have absolutely no intention to going back. I will, actually must, remain smoke free. But the "come hell or high water" gunge ho attitude is slipping away and a new reality is sinking in. I no longer smoke. So what...


MsTekLady said...

Chris, I can relate to how you're feeling. I think smoking has been such a big part of our lives, that without it we feel kind of lost. It's almost like we have to reprogram our brains on how to live a smoke-free life! That's the power of the addiction and that very thought is's for that reason I know I'll never smoke again.

I still have my gung ho attitude, but it has gone down a notch or two and maybe that's a part of this... the newness of the quit has worn off and the reality has sunk in. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make these feelings go away, but I can't. I think it's something we have to work out and I'm sure it will take time. But, we can do it! Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Chris, yep, makes sense to me. In fact, around Day 5 for me it got tougher because I'd been all geared up and fighting and was starting to wear down. Once I made it beyond that, I was toughened back up again, but less of the oomph! was needed to just maintain.

Anyway, you sound great. Keep going!