Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Day 22, 12 Days "Quit"

Coming up on two weeks quit and I must say it has been reasonably easy. I have seriously tried to quit twice before, once with the patch and once with Wellbutrin also marketed as Zyban. A year and a half ago I failed miserably on the patch. The continuous nicotine replacement bothered me, especially at night. Six or so years ago I succeeded with Wellbutrin for about nine months. At some point something awful happened and I quit caring and started smoking again. I would have done it again had it not been prescribed for depression since. Chantix or cold turkey were my only real options at this point and so far I am pleased with the results.

Had a fun dream last night. I got to visit some people I had not thought about in a long time. Albeit in a rather unusual environment. More coherent than last nights dream and quite pleasant. Now if only I could shake this head cold and get into the gym!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your continued success! Chantix really has made the difference for me this time through. I still have to work for it, but it hasn't been nearly as hard as other methods.

And so it goes... said...

Wow, I started a blog last week called "My Zyban Experience" Best of luck to you! I am going to link to you.