Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Day 99, Happy Hump Day!

I am working feverishly to complete projects in advance of my train trip to Seattle via Portland but I foresee a "train wreck" in the office while I am gone. Company policy is three weeks paid per year and they want you to take them but to date I have taken three days. It’s so hard to get away with so much going on all the time.

Eighty nine days smoke free today!


Anonymous said...

Chris, I hope you will be able to get things wrapped up at work enough to enjoy your time off without worrying. I know how that goes.

You've got 99 days in the subject but 89 days in your post - you must be busy ;)

bob m said...

Chris - don't stress about anything - you deserve this trip and whatever isn't finished before you leave will get finished when you return. It's amazing how stressful our lives become - it's no wonder we turn to vices like smoking to get through it.

Enjoy your vacation. I'm jealous because I am a train freak and would really like to see the Pacific Northwest from a train.