Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Day 98, The Down Side...

The down side of such a long weekend is the work is virtually piled up to my eyeballs. I can get pretty stressed out when it's so busy. In the past my smoking would take a big hike to "counteract" the stress. How silly, huh? Now I am trying to focus on the tasks at hand and not get to distracted by what what comes next. Not heading outside for my little breaks really helps with the productivity, too.

Thanks to Chantix and a boatload of willpower I am eighty eight days smoke free today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chris, I can relate. Funny enough, I used to tell myself that I was somehow more productive by stopping to go smoke for 5 minutes every hour. Now I get it that it's not.

Happy Day 98! You are getting awfully close to the triple digits.