Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Day 78, How Time Flies...

Here we are again, the middle of the week. While I have been bemoaning the pace with which the days pass, they seem do so more quickly with the coming of winter. Fortunately, thanks to Chantix, I will not be held up in an enclosed apartment stinking to high heaven of cigarette smoke nor will I be one of the huddled masses standing outside in the cold rain puffing away. Ha! Something worth celebrating.

Sixty eight days smoke free and (conservatively) $510.00 saved to date.


Anonymous said...

Amen to all of the above. Winter is not a good time to be a smoker.

Sixx126 said...

I am so glad I won't be out there with my other co-workers..I hate the cold anyway. Kudos to you Chris!