Friday, August 31, 2007

Day 10, So Far So Good

I am enjoying continued progress with the goal of tapering. Nine cigarettes all day! That is a new record. Another was a four hour period between cigarettes during the day - unheard of. I was busy working and when I normally would take one of those reward breaks I thought "why bother?" In fact when I finally finished work for the day I didn't really want one. But Quit Day had not arrived so I went ahead and lit one up for for the heck of it. Once home with a cool beverage they came a little more frequently but still, nine? I'm increasingly convinced I can do this.

It was another sleepless night, worse than Wednesday. I figure I will eventually become so exhausted I'll have to collapse. Strangely I don't feel that bad during the day. Perhaps inhaling a small fraction of toxins I normally do is having a beneficial effect. Do you suppose?


Bay in TN said...

Just the other day, you had the lethargy, and now you're commenting on the lack of sleep. I'm only a couple of weeks ahead of you, and I have to tell you -- you *will* get through these side effects.

The fact that you're cutting down on cigarettes is amazing and wonderful! I did it, too -- well, after I failed to quit on my 8th Chantix Day -- and I think it really helps.

You're doing so well! You'll get through this first phase; I just know it! Go, Chris!!! All of us Chantix bloggers are behind you and confident in your success!

Anonymous said...

It's wonderful when the Chantix is doing its thing so that you don't even want to smoke as much even when you could. I do hope that the sleep thing will work itself out for you. For many it does, and if not I've heard that some doctors will reduce the Rx a bit.

Hey, Happy Quit Day! You'll have to let us all know how it's going!