Thursday, August 23, 2007

Day 2, Reflection on my first day.

So far so good.

I enrolled in the GetQuit online support plan provided by Pfizer. I don't yet know how helpful it will be but I figured it can't hurt. There are daily activities and the first was to log each cigarette smoked and a few details. Like many, I've tried to quit before and one concept that is consistent is that of "triggers." Looking over my log for yesterday I see a big trigger: interaction with my "ex." (We have recently separated; it was a difficult and painful relationship.) In one hour I managed to smoke as much as I had in half a day. Otherwise I did pretty well and came in 2 cigarettes under my goal.

That goal was to reduce consumption by two a day for ten days prior to my quit date assuming a pack a day habit. (I fibbed when I claimed only a pack so I've had to be more aggressive than cutting two a day.) Still, I am on track and feel an unexpected sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.


Anonymous said...

Plenty seem to disagree, but I've enjoyed the GetQuit program. I'm glad that I've had other support as well, especially blogging and reading others, but it some days there were some helpful tips or activities even if they didn't have great stuff every day. I also liked checking the box each day that I'd taken my Chantix and hadn't smoked.

On cutting back, obviously do what you need to do for you, but I didn't really even try cutting back knowing that those were the last cigarettes I would ever get to enjoy. And so enjoy them I did, but being on the Chantix reduced my desire considerably by the time I quit (for me, Day 13) so I didn't even feel like I was cutting back because I had to.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'd love to add your blog to the list if you'd like.