Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Day 105, Hump Day and Night

It looks like it is going to be a very long day. And night. I'll take a little time for myself once I get home ofter work then start back at it. Sigh - where to begin.

I think the Chantix GetQuit counter is a little loopy today. I count ninety five days smoke free but it is claiming ninety seven with $728.00 saved.


maggie said...

Loopy, loopy, almost vacation time, yay!

bob m said...

Hi Chris - I've noticed that the Chantix counter is occasionally off for me, too. I don't understand it - it keeps me amused. I stopped smoking 8 weeks ago today, and still going strong! Have a great trip !

Chris said...

Thanks Bob and congrats on eight weeks - that's awesome!