Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Day 104, One Down Three To Go

I survived another work day and am that much closer to leaving this place and not looking back for a little while. Unfortunately, the terrible storms that have bedeviled the Great Pacific Northwest have caused Amtrak to cancel the two lines I'll be taking. Now, I don't feel too bad because that's just an inconvenience if they are not running by Friday. Bear in mind that five poor souls lost their lives due to these storms. My heart goes out to their families and loved ones.

1 comment:

maggie said...

Chris, I wondered about your train. I do hope you will not have too much trouble getting into town. You are right that so many have lost much. In addition to those who lost their lives, folks in towns like Vernonia who lost so much in the big flood in 1996 just lost it again and will have trouble recovering. I am so thankful we stayed put over the weekend. Our plans would likely have put us in the middle of some potentially dangerous situations.

The countdown to your vacation is totally on, though! *That* is always a wonderful feeling!