Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wild Ride...

It's been a while since I posted. It's just so hectic and distracting to observe the markets wrench and whither under current conditions. Still, I think Dr. Bernanke and Mr. Paulson have reacted with the necessary force and rapidity to circumvent a meltdown of historic proportions. (Recrimination and criminal prosecution can wait.)

Through it all I remain completely smoke free. Today marks 411 days liberated and $3,082.50 saved.


Anonymous said...

It has, indeed, been wild. Thankfully we are not spending money smoking. I'm not really happy about what it's doing in my 401k instead, but at least that's not ruining my health. Other than the gray hairs. ;)

Mz Diva said...

You go girl! Over and year and holding! I have saved a ton of money this year and the economy is scary! Congratulation on 411! Eleven is my lucky number!

Dave said...

Chris, your blog has inspired me to start my own Chantix Experience blog. Thank you for the inspiration, I hope you're still quit. If you're interested, or if anyone else is interested, Dave's Chantix Story Thanks again!

Corbin said...

Hope you have stayed on the wagon. My adventure on chantix begins today! wish me luck